Research conducted on men and women who are obese and overweight by age 55-75 years. The researchers divided them into two groups. The first group was asked to follow a low-fat diet while the second group were asked to follow the same diet with extra drinking two cups of water before breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
After 12 weeks, people who drink water before meals to lose weight around 7 kg compared to 5kg for those not used to drink. The difference is quite significant, ie, nearly 30 percent.
Drinking water is very simple
The researchers also found that when people are middle-aged and middle age to drink water before meals, they eat less because it became less hungry.
However, researchers still are not sure, whether the decreased need to eat drinking water will be compensated by eating more throughout the rest of the day. And after 12 weeks of diet, such concerns had faded.
"Drinking water is a fairly simple strategy that can help people trying to lose weight," said senior researcher Brenda Davy, professor in the Department of Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise Virginia Tech.
"We're not saying, 'Drink more water and body fat will disappear. But for people who are trying to lose weight and follow a low calorie diet, this is something they can do as part of his diet," said Davy.
After a year, the weight is still down
The hardest thing in the diet is to maintain the weight that has been dropped. The researchers went back to observe the participants' weight change during the year.
The result, preliminary data suggest that those who continue to drink water before meals is not only able to maintain weight, but even continue to lose approximately 0.5 kg per month.
"Sipping water before eating may be effective at the age of middle-aged or older. Because previous studies showed that the age of 18-35 years who often drink before eating, keep eating the same desire, "said Davy.
Why? "In the parents, it takes longer to empty the stomach, which is why water helps their stomach feel fuller and less hungry, while in young people, the water leaves the stomach quickly," he added.
Dieticians often recommend non-caloric beverages such as lemon soda, diet soda, or tea to help resist the urge to snack after dinner.
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Interesting fact, that drinking water can solve your fat ass problem as well. I was aware about the thing that water strengthen our nervous system ., but good to know this fact as well. Thanks to your post. :)
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