Maylyn Bonds, obstetrics expert stated the best way to know the sex of the fetus in addition to an ultrasound scan is to wait until birth. "There is a myth if the mother has a rounded or flat content, certain food cravings is a sign of a baby boy or a girl. The sex can be seen from the scan at 20 weeks gestation, but it is best to wait until the baby is born."
Nevertheless, there are still many outstanding myths and facts about pregnancy and guess the sex of the baby. May believe, May not!
Weight loss father
Myth: If a father come to be heavy during pregnancy, a sign that a baby girl. But if the weight is relatively unchanged father, the baby boy.
Fact: Experts believe Danish father weight during pregnancy may be used to guess the sex of the fetus. In a study of the prospective father is found, almost all fathers who put on weight when pregnant wife had a daughter. Only five of the fathers to be heavy to have a boy.
Myth: If the mother really liked sweet foods such as chocolate and sugar, a sign the baby is female. But if the mother happy crave salty foods, it's a sign of a baby boy.
Fact: Scientists have found cravings during pregnancy is just a psychological phenomenon. Roy Pitkin, professor of obstetrics at the University of California, revealed, the more sensitive senses would allow women who would prefer a particular odor.
Form of abdominal
Myth: If a flatter tummy bulge or widening of the baby is female. Meanwhile, if the stomach is more 'sharp' is a sign of pregnancy a baby boy.
Fact: Scientists believe, form the abdomen during pregnancy is largely determined by the baby's muscles. There is no evidence that shows a girl making the stomach dilated, or a baby boy over the top in a womb.
Mother's face
Myth: If the face is round and rosy future mother during pregnancy then she will have a daughter.
Fact: Nearly all pregnant women will experience weight gain during the nine months. However, a recent study in France found that women experience acne during pregnancy, 90 percent gave birth to a baby girl.
Myth: A baby boy has a heart rate below 140 heartbeats per minute, while a girl is higher than 140 beats per minute.
Fact: Scientists found that baby girls have a rapid heart rate, but only after they are born.
Myth: When during pregnancy swollen right breast is a sign of bigger boys. However, if the left breast swelled larger, a sign merupaka girls.
Fact: Hormonal changes during pregnancy does not increase blood flow and changes in breast tissue makes breast swelling, pain and more sensitive. However, the scientists found no evidence of breast changes associated with the sex of the baby.
Morning Sickness
Myth: If you experience nausea or morning sickness during pregnancy especially the first trimester, it is a sign of female fetuses. But if you do not experience or little experience it means that a fetus is a baby boy.
Fact: My mother is more likely to experience morning sickness when expecting a baby girl. A study of one million pregnant women in Sweden 1987-1995 shows, morning sickness tend to show women pregnant girls. Dr. Michael Swiet, from the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in London, said: "Maybe morning sickness associated with hormones. And baby girl may produce hormones that trigger it."
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